As advancements in technology and a changing workforce reshape the manufacturing industry, talent development has never been more crucial. LEAP TD: Manufacturing is your unique opportunity to network with and learn from 70+ talent development, L&D, and workforce development leaders from across the US manufacturing sector.

Join to revolutionize how we reskill, upskill, and retain top-tier frontline employees, and equip emerging leaders to build a robust internal talent pool. Discover best practice strategies from 20+ innovative case studies from our expert speaker faculty showcasing the initiatives they implemented to maximize ROI and tackle the critical skills gap. Will you be part of the movement to shape the future of talent development in manufacturing in 2024?

How it Works:




offer you the chance to hear the most admired TD leaders in manufacturing share the stories of what they've done to solve their most pressing TD challenges

provide you with the unique opportunity to have your burning questions answered in a room full of your peers and move beyond the 'what' and the 'why' to get to the 'how'

are designed to help you work with your team to set a clear, bespoke action plan of what you are going to change when you get back to your organization to ensure you get a fast ROI

Want to Know Why You Should Attend LEAP TD: Manufacturing 2024?

Join the only meeting focused on tackling the key challenges behind the growing skills gap in the manufacturing sector, aimed at empowering employees and increasing efficiencies. We prioritize real-world case studies to deliver valuable insights that attendees can bring back to their organizations and leadership teams, enabling them to implement change and positively impact their employees’ lives.

We’ll unite an exclusive community of TD leaders from manufacturing organizations of all sizes from global giants like Michelin.

The Biggest Names in the Industry

Your Gateway to Unleashing Essential TD Strategies for the Future of Manufacturing

This 2-day event, including a pre-conference breakfast deep dive will jump into the most important talent development topics including:

  • Cultivating an Ecosystem to Inspire, Develop & Build a Generation of Dynamic Leaders
  • Manufacturing the Framework for Learning to Engage Employees in Training
  • Developing a Smarter Hourly Workforce through Reskilling & Upskilling
  • Next-Generation Digital Learning Tools to Shape the Future of Talent Development
  • Bridging the Generational Gap & Devising Strategies to Develop Next-Gen Talent
  • Addressing Hourly Workforce Challenges in the Era of Modern Manufacturing
Testimony of LEAP TD

Caitlin Hamstra

Corporate Learning & Development Manager
Birchwood Foods

Retaining and developing talent is critical to the future of manufacturing. I am excited about sharing innovative and practical strategies to drive talent development forward