10:00 am Registration & Networking

Bridging the Generational Gap & Devising Strategies to Develop Next-Gen Talent for Next-Gen Manufacturing

10:40 am Discover: Building a Culture to Shift Mindsets of Legacy Employees & The New Generation of Employees

  • Wade Larson Director of Workforce Development, Wagstaff


• Creating an inclusive environment where older employees feel valued and motivated to share their knowledge and generating excitement and engagement among younger employees

• Implementing strategies to support the ongoing development of an aging workforce and designing training programs that actively engage and educate the new generation, ensuring they feel connected and invested in their roles

• Fostering mentorship programs that pair experiences employees with newer generations to facilitate mutual learning and ensure knowledge stays within the organization

11:00 am Discover: Inspiring & Developing the Next-Generation Manufacturing Talent to Challenge Current Perceptions


• Exploring Hormel’s rotational development program, designed to immerse college-educated individuals in various facility roles, providing a comprehensive understanding of different operational areas

• Utilizing partnerships with schools and colleges to attract and onboard a new generation of manufacturing talent

• Evaluating the successes and challenges of past initiatives and their impact on hiring for team lead positions, while ensuring that employees acquire the necessary skill sets and are intentionally developed to excel in various functional areas

11:20 am Develop: What Other Things Can We Do to Bridge the Generational Gap?


Question & Answer Session Facilitated by the Focus Day Chair

11:40 am Action: How Are You Going to Adapt Training Programs for Legacy vs Next-Gen Employees?


Output Focused Action Session Facilitated by the Chair

12:00 pm Lunch

Addressing Hourly Workforce Challenges in the Era of Modern Manufacturing Technology

1:00 pm Discover: Elevating Workforce Potential to Embrace Technology Advancements

  • Andy Bianco Manufacturing Learning & Development Manager, Ford Motor Company
  • Liliana Ramirez Director, Workforce Development, Ford Motor Company


• Understanding the changes in Manufacturing Technology and the impact on current and future employees

• The Competency Wheel – Where do we focus our efforts

• The role of culture to motivate employees to utilize new technology

• The change from Learning and Development to Workforce Development

• What is the industries’ role in partnering with Academics?

1:20 pm Develop: What Else Can We Learn About Adapting to New Technologies?

  • Andy Bianco Manufacturing Learning & Development Manager, Ford Motor Company
  • Liliana Ramirez Director, Workforce Development, Ford Motor Company


Question & Answer Session Facilitated by the Focus Day Chair

1:40 pm Action: What Are You Going to Do to Encourage Employee’s to Embrace Technology on the Front Line?


Output Focused Action Session Facilitated by the Chair

2:00 pm Panel Discussion: Developing Women into Leadership Roles in Manufacturing

2:40 pm Networking Break

3:00 pm Speed Learning


In this quick-fire session, each table will be hosted by a TD leader who will share the secrets of their most high-impact LEAP; you will then get the opportunity to question the host before moving on to your next table

Hosts Include:

Overall Learning Excellence: Purpose, Importance, & Strategies for Success

  • Gino Perkins Manager, Workforce Development, Nissan Motor Corporation

Leveraging ERGs to Nurture Talent

  • Jakeim Jackson-Bell Global Director of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging, Energizer Holdings Inc.

Topic to be Released

Topic to be Released

Transitioning Employees from Hourly to Salary

  • Taylor Beach Manager, Talent Acquisition & Development, Detroit Manufacturing Systems LLC.